Monday, April 30, 2012

203 Pips - Apr 30th, 2012

Trade today initiated by Divergence from LST System result about 203 Pips from shorting GBPUSD and EURUSD.

Look at the indicator on the top right of the chart, it shows the pips gain for every unit trade as I scaled in every time trend resume from a retrace.

Trade-1 TP-1 25 pips 
Closed manually Trade2 36 Pips, Trade3 26 Pips, Trade4 14 Pips, Trade5 4 Pips 
Total GBPUSD = 105 Pips

Closed manually Trade1 28 Pips, Trade2 29 Pips, Trade3 40 Pips, Trade4 1 Pips 
Total EURUSD = 98 Pips

The analysis would be on GBPUSD while EURUSD is tandem

As I have been analyze in my Post on Saturday 28th, I have had the situation sign by Vladimir's Forex LST System that lead to Short trade: 

The price have been diverging and reluctant to go higher since last week so I'd be looking to short after Asian session.

Additionally, EURUSD has had a failed test of the extreme high and later outside Asian box made 2 pins to higher trend line:

GBPUSD M1 shown a good Price Action reading, two shorts placed on GBPUSD (trade1 and trade2) after shooting star (rejected by R1 on MMM) while EURUSD due to its PA:

Entry was 4 pips of the high, I added extra 7 pips above the high for the SL so my risk was only 11 pips. With 11 pips risk x 2 units short = 22 pips risk, then I could trade bigger size to comply with 2 % risk capital each unit trade. The size is flexible depend on the range of Stop Loss. So by the time I enter 2 units I am risking 4 % of my account.

As my double entry MM I set the first TP (Trade-1) just above the next Supply area (which later missed 2 pips during first down move). It was 25 Pips that coincidentally more that 2 times of SL as directed by Vladimir's Strategy guide.

When I saw the momentum was strong, I scaled in 1 unit (trade 3) after a small retrace on M1 :

 Then adjust my stop above the last swing high. At this point I am at BREAK EVEN if something later go wrong. First TP around the low of asian box (Trade 1) just miss by 2 pips then price retrace;

Additional scaled in 1 unit when trend resume on M1 chart:

Then adjust the SL to lower than BE/small profit, later trade 1's TP taken out for 25 pips, 3 trades remain. Taking the first TP as soon as possible is a must. If something later go wrong, the worst I could get would be the first 25 pips TP + a small profit. So my risk never more than 4 % even many say that Scale in like this is dangerous.I am completely safe by the time my trade move to the first scale in. The key is reading Price Action and have a very precise entry/never chase the market:

Additional Scale in when price retrace then Resumed:

Again The last Scale In:

But later momentum slowing and failed to take out the last swing low. This sign that a corrective move was imminent, looking for exit at the next failed test to the low:

Later I realize that LST on M5 already made a divergence that should have convinced me to exit, M5 - LST System:

last picture taken:


Even later GBPUSD still made a last thrust 20 pips beyond the swing low where I exit, I still confinced that I did the right decision since GBPUSD hasn't yet made a failed test to its extreme high. This sharp correction  could still lead to choppy and failed retest to GBUSD extreme high. Otherwise this is just a corrective move that the trend could resume bullish:

Friday, April 27, 2012

127 Pips GU Apr 27th - Vladimir's LST's Div faster than MMM's TDI

It looks like Divergence of Vladimir's Forex LST System is faster than MMM's TDI.

This situation leads to respective of advantage and disadvantage as we have to asses the divergence over the principle or how the reversal begin: Reversal initiated by a significant pullback/retrace against the trend.

Lets take the GBPUSD situation on Friday Apr 27th.

1. There were a 4 hours narrow consolidation on early asian session. At 4 - 6 GMT the price made 3 pushes down then around 6.15 GMT the signs of MMM created: a pin in to the blue/hammer just below M2 that rejected by TL, shark fin low, a big W with the first leg from the day before but NO DIVERGENCE.

On the other hand, LST caught this big W with NPN-MACD Bullish divergence sign that it was a strong/reliable sign.

This situation is advantage to
Vladimir's LST but disadvantage to TDI Divergence's default set to 21.

Look at this Vladimir's Forex LST System Template:
Vladimir's Forex LST System

And this MMM's TDI:
Vladimir's Forex LST System

2. Contrary situation during London-US session when Vladimir's LST made 2 bearish divergence while MMM's TDI just one bearish divergence. On the second Divergence of LST it was a strong/reliable sigh as it was a PNP-Divergence while the MMM's TDI made divergence as well. But on LST's first divergence was too early that result in trend resume. Indeed there was a 30 pips pullback/retrace but later trend resumed. Yet, the divergence was not a PNP (moderate reliability). At this time MMM's TDI hasn't yet made a divergence.

This was Disadvantage to Vladimir's LST while advantage to MMM's TDI.

So wich one is better, there would be no perfect answer. It's always depend on trader's human eye to treated the tools properly with the proper trading management.

Because, regarding to "significant pullback", the too early 1st divergence of Vladimir's LST was not a PNP Divergence after all (moderate realibility so if you treated the LST properly you will be safe.

But in the bullish divergence after asian session you would miss a 130 pips move by MMM's TDI. Yet LST already made 2 NPN-Divergence.

Two good thing that Vladimir's Forex LST System are superior over MMM's TDI is that the "Significant Pullback" signed by PNP/NPN-Divergence and you wouldn't miss a good move.

Its all depend on the trader to filter and confirm the good trade. 

Click - Here to visit Vladimir's LST System website on Clickbank 

85 Pips EU, 80 Pips GU - April 27th, 2012 - Forex LST System

Today I was a little bit late to open the chart. I am usually trade during London session so I open Matatrader 1 hour before London session forgetting that the move of pairs have began during asian session (around 4 - 6 GMT) these recent weeks. The move already began and I don't think I would chase the price. 

Vladimir's Forex LST System

Vladimir's Forex LST System 

Click - Here to visit Vladimir's LST System website on Clickbank

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Vladimir's Forex LST System

Forex Market has been recently attracted by Vladimir's LST System

One thing that attract me a lot was, LST concept trades the way I trade. 

Vladimir's LST System

I've been trading Price Action with Vladimir's LST Concept that probably return a very much better result than LST (see the live pips gain at my post as Captain at Indo, Kapten at FF's MW trading). It incorporating Market Makers Method, Supply and Demand, Support and Resistance. 

BUT, it takes a lot of focus and analysis. 

Thank Vladimir that LST mechanize the whole process. 

1. LST first step is to find a divergence of 2 significant swing point around extreme area. 

2. Secondly, find a reversal candlestick pattern. 

3. Thirdly, eye confirmation; S/R, Fibo, etc 

Yet, in my point of view there were several weaknesses in those steps if Traders lack of knowledge on PRICE ACTION. 

Following the Vladimir's LST system strategy guide strictly will grant you a success but the system are not capable of differentiating between a small retrace/pullback or a reversal. It gives you the same signal. This is a hole that could trap newbies. 

The same old saying would repeatedly complained as MMM method was. Some would be disciplined enough to success while some would take every signal with lack of discipline and trade management then complained all the time. 

Why would it be? Let's dig and test drive it in the days to come.

Click - Here to visit Vladimir's LST System website on Clickbank
  Vladimir's LST System